3月 16

Bioinformatics Links Directory

The Bioinformatics Links Directory features curated links to molecular resources, tools and databases. The links listed in this directory are selected on the basis of recommendations from bioinformatics experts in the field. We also rely on input from our community of bioinformatics users for suggestions. Starting in 2003, we have also started listing all links contained in the NAR Webserver issue.……【阅读全文】

4月 25


EMBOSS 是”The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite”的缩写,是一个开放源代码的序列分析软件包,它是一组为分子生物学家所设计的公开且免费软件。该软件能够自动识别处理以不同格式存储的数据, 甚至可以通过互联网提取数据,此外同软件包一同提供的还包括大量的程序库,软件包整合了 100多个的序列分析程序,可以满足一般实验室的各种各样的序列分析要求。并且,因为该软件包同时提供了一个扩展库,它也是允许其他科学家依据自由软件精神编制、发布软件的一个平台。EMBOSS 同时将现在可以得到的一系列序列分析工具整合成一个无缝的整体。EMBOSS遵照GPL协议,打破了向商业软件包发展的传统模式。……【阅读全文】

3月 10


  • 简介(摘自官网)

The Biopieces are a collection of bioinformatics tools that can be pieced together in a very easy and flexible manner to perform both simple and complex tasks. The Biopieces work on a data stream in such a way that the data stream can be passed through several different Biopieces, each performing one specific task: modifying or adding records to the data stream, creating plots, or uploading data to databases and web services. The Biopieces are executed in a command line environment where the data stream is initialized by specific Biopieces which read data from files, databases, or web services, and output records to the data stream that is passed to downstream Biopieces until the data stream is terminated at the end of the analysis.……【阅读全文】

3月 09


  • 简介
