RegExr is an online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions (RegEx / RegExp).……【阅读全文】
RegExr is an online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions (RegEx / RegExp).……【阅读全文】
We have written a basic introductory course for biologists to learn the essential aspects of the Perl programming language. This started as a course for grad students at UC Davis, and we then ran it as a one week intensive course for anyone on campus who was interested (sponsored by the UC Davis Genome Center). The feedback from these courses was very positive and so we have decided that we should make it available to anyone who is interested.……【阅读全文】
One Tip Per Day: Learning notes for Unix, Perl, R, HTML, Javascript, Google API and mostly Bioinformatics……【阅读全文】
[分享] Perl视频教程:Randal Schwartz on Learning Perl (小骆驼作者倾力打造)
[分享] ★我的Kindle书架★Amazon原版破解mobi电子书分享!共86本,其中Perl书30本
上面的链接有很多相关的资源:包括可以在kindle上看的电子书,另外三个公布的perl的视频教程, 还有很多电子书。
这个是最新的,小骆驼的作者: learning perl 的作者发布的视频教程,大家电驴作源一起分享下!
感谢perlchina群里面的: 北京kid, topsage 上的所有mobi的电子书都是他买下来解锁然后共享给大家,这个视频教程也是。
中文名: Learning Perl 视频教程 (小骆驼作者Randal Schwartz主讲)
英文名: Randal Schwartz on Learning Perl
别名: Learning Perl Video
资源格式: MP4
学校: O’Reilly
主讲人: Randal Schwartz
发行日期: 2010年09月
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文
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PerlChina 的基础装修已经结束。 参见 。……【阅读全文】
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