Category Archives: 生物信息
- Current Protocols in Bioinformatics
- Current Protocols in Bioinformatics(WILEY)
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Chapter 10 Comparing Large Sequence Sets
Chapter 11 Assembling Sequences
Chapter 12 analyzing rna sequence and structure
Chapter 13 Using Proteomics Techniques
Chapter 14 Cheminformatics
Chapter 1 Using Biological Databases
Chapter 2 Recognizing Functional Domains
Chapter 3 Finding Similarities and Inferring Homologies
Chapter 4 Finding Genes
Chapter 5 Modeling Structure from Sequence
Chapter 6 Inferring Evolutionary Relationships
Chapter 7 Analyzing Expression Patterns
Chapter 8 Analyzing Molecular Interactions
Chapter 9 Building Biological Databases
Foreword & Preface
- Educational papers from Nature Biotechnology and PLoS Computational Biology.
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- PLoS Computational Biology: Education合集
- 压缩包中的文件列表
Analyzing ’omics data using hierarchical models
How does DNA sequence motif discovery work
How does eukaryotic gene prediction work
How does gene expression clustering work
How does multiple testing correction work
How do RNA folding algorithms work
How do shotgun proteomics algorithms identify proteins
How to map billions of short reads onto genomes
How to visually interpret biological data using networks
Inference in Bayesian networks
Maximizing power in association studies
SNP imputation in association studies
Understanding genome browsing
What are artificial neural networks
What are decision trees
What are DNA sequence motifs
What is a hidden Markov model
What is a support vector machine
What is Bayesian statistics
What is dynamic programming
What is flux balance analysis
What is principal component analysis
What is the expectation maximization algorithm
Where did the BLOSUM62 alignment score matrix come from……【阅读全文】
PLoS Collections之Education
PLoS Computational Biology: Education
Advanced Genomic Data Mining
Analyzing ChIP-chip Data Using Bioconductor
An Introduction to Bioinformatics for Glycomics Research
An Introduction to Biomolecular Graphics
A Primer on Learning in Bayesian Networks for Computational Biology
A Primer on Python for Life Science Researchers
A Primer on Regression Methods for Decoding cis- Regulatory Logic
A Quick Guide for Computer-Assisted Instruction in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
A Quick Guide for Developing Effective Bioinformatics Programming Skills
A Quick Guide to Large-Scale Genomic Data Mining
A Quick Guide to Organizing Computational Biology Projects
A Quick Guide to Teaching R Programming to Computational Biology Students
Automated Querying of Genome Databases
Biomedical Text Mining and Its Applications
Comprehensive Analysis of Affymetrix Exon Arrays Using BioConductor
Deciphering Protein–Protein Interactions. Part I. Experimental Techniques and Databases
Deciphering Protein–Protein Interactions. Part II. Computational Methods to Predict Protein and Domain Interaction Partners
From Pathways Databases to Network Models of Switching Behavior
Functional Classification Using Phylogenomic Inference
How to Understand the Cell by Breaking It: Network Analysis of Gene Perturbation Screens
Introduction to Computational Proteomics
Introduction to the Quantitative Analysis of Two- Dimensional Fluorescence Microscopy Images for Cell- Based Screening
Machine Learning and Its Applications to Biology
Making Informed Choices about Microarray Data Analysis
Modularity and Dynamics of Cellular Networks
Pathway Analysis of Expression Data: Deciphering Functional Building Blocks of Complex Diseases
Pattern Recognition Software and Techniques for Biological Image Analysis
Practical Strategies for Discovering Regulatory DNA Sequence Motifs
Recent Evolutions of Multiple Sequence Alignment Algorithms
Strategies for Identifying RNA Splicing Regulatory Motifs and Predicting Alternative Splicing Events
Structure-Guided Comparative Analysis of Proteins: Principles, Tools, and Applications for Predicting Function
Support Vector Machines and Kernels for Computational Biology
The Rough Guide to In Silico Function Prediction, or How To Use Sequence and Structure Information To Predict Protein Function……【阅读全文】
PLoS Collections之TenSimpleRules
PLoS Computational Biology: Ten Simple Rules
Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentation
Ten Simple Rules for Aspiring Scientists in a Low-Income Country
Ten Simple Rules for a Successful Collaboration
Ten Simple Rules for Building and Maintaining a Scientific Reputation
Ten Simple Rules for Chairing a Scientific Session
Ten Simple Rules for Choosing between Industry and Academia
Ten Simple Rules for Doing Your Best Research, According to Hamming
Ten Simple Rules for Editing Wikipedia
Ten Simple Rules for Getting Ahead as a Computational Biologist in Academia
Ten Simple Rules for Getting Grants
Ten Simple Rules for Getting Published
Ten Simple Rules for Graduate Students
Ten Simple Rules for Making Good Oral Presentations
Ten Simple Rules for Organizing a Scientific Meeting
Ten Simple Rules for Organizing a Virtual Conference—Anywhere
Ten Simple Rules for Providing a Scientific Web Resource
Ten Simple Rules for Reviewers
Ten Simple Rules for Selecting a Postdoctoral Position
Ten Simple Rules To Combine Teaching and Research……【阅读全文】
R Basics Manual
Programming in R
Clustering in R
BioConductor Manual
NGS Analysis with R/Bioconductor
Linux Essentials……【阅读全文】
一点建议:通读《R for 初学者》;浏览《R 常见问题解答》;《R 导论》和《R语言简介》供深入学习;《R 参考卡片》供查阅。
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How to plot histograms back to back
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