[推荐]Cheat Sheets大全

devcheatsheet(Cheat sheets for developers)收录了各种各样的编程语言或软件操作的备忘录文件,每个文件都是经过经整理去芜存菁而成,让你在遗忘或想学习某个编程语言语法、软件快捷键以及各种编程语言的参数时,可以快速检索、恢复记忆的好工具。 大部分的CheatSheets都有图片格式或PDF格式供下载,只有少部分是在线格式。

Devcheatsheet is a directory of quick reference cards and free cheat sheets for programmers, developers, engineers and alike. It provides you with cheat sheets pertaining to a wide range of topics like operating systems, security, programming, engineering, applications etc. This website doesn’t actually store the cheat sheets but aggregates them from various sources.