6月 09

[荐]Unix and Perl Primer for Biologists

We have written a basic introductory course for biologists to learn the essential aspects of the Perl programming language. This started as a course for grad students at UC Davis, and we then ran it as a one week intensive course for anyone on campus who was interested (sponsored by the UC Davis Genome Center). The feedback from these courses was very positive and so we have decided that we should make it available to anyone who is interested.……【阅读全文】

5月 10




近日,科学顾问团(Science Advisory Board)公布了其最近对下一代测序(NGS)技术的调查报告,以补充之前对于实时定量PCR和微阵列等基因组技术的综合性研究。……【阅读全文】