TeX简介( LaTeX 编辑部)
TeX的优缺点( LaTeX 编辑部)
TeX(正式写法TeX,发音:国际音标/tɛx/,音译“泰赫”),是一个由美国计算机教授高德纳(Donald E. Knuth)编写的功能强大的排版软件。它在学术界十分流行,特别是数学、物理学和计算机科学界。TeX被普遍认为是一个很好的排版工具,特别是在处理复杂的数学公式时。利用诸如是LaTeX等终端软件,TeX就能够排版出精美的文本。
高德纳最早开始自行编写TeX的原因是当时十分粗糙的排版水平已经影响到他的巨著《计算机程序设计艺术》(The Art of Computer Programming)的印刷质量。他以典型的黑客思维模式,最终决定自行编写一个排版软件:TeX。他原本以为他只需要半年时间,在1978年下半年就能完成,但最终他用了超过十年时间,直到1989年TeX才最终停止修改。
LaTeX的产生( LaTeX 编辑部)
与Word比较( LaTeX 编辑部)
LaTeX应用情况( LaTeX 编辑部)
LaTeX(音译“拉泰赫”)是一种基于TeX的排版系统,由美国电脑学家莱斯利·兰伯特(Leslie Lamport)在20世纪80年代初期开发,利用这种格式,即使用户没有排版和程序设计的知识也可以充分发挥由TeX所提供的强大功能,能在几天,甚至几小时内生成很多具有书籍质量的印刷品。对于生成复杂表格和数学公式,这一点表现得尤为突出。因此它非常适用于生成高印刷质量的科技和数学类文档。
这个系统同样适用于生成从简单的信件到完整书籍的所有其他种类的文档。 LaTeX使用TeX作为它的格式化引擎,当前的版本是LaTeX2ε。
XeTeX(/ˈziːtɛx/或/ˈziːtɛk/)是一种使用Unicode的TeX排版引擎,并支持一些现代字体技术,例如OpenType。其作者和维护者是Jonathan Kew,并以X11自由软件许可证发布。
虽然XeTeX最初只是为Mac OS X所开发,但它现在在各主要平台上都可以运作。它原生的支持Unicode,并默认其输入文件为UTF-8编码。XeTeX可以在不进行额外配置的情况下直接使用操作系统中安装的字体,因此可以直接利用OpenType,Graphite中的高级特性,例如额外的字形,花体,合字,可变的文本粗细等等。XeTeX提供了对OpenType中本地排版约定(locl标签)的支持,也允许向字体传递OpenType的元标签。它亦支持使用包含特殊数学字符的Unicode字体排版数学公式,例如使用Cambria Math或Asana Math字体代替传统的TeX字体。
Beamer is a LaTeX class for creating slides for presentations. It supports both pdfLaTeX and LaTeX + dvips. The name is taken from the German word Beamer, a pseudo-anglicism for video projector.
The beamer class is not the first LaTeX class for creating presentations, and like many of its predecessors, it has special syntax for defining ‘slides’ (known in Beamer as ‘frames’). Slides can be built up on-screen in stages as if by revealing text that was previously hidden or covered. This is handled with PDF output by creating successive pages that preserve the layout but add new elements, so that advancing to the next page in the PDF file appears to add something to the displayed page, when in fact it has redrawn the page.
Source code for beamer presentations, like any other LaTeX file, can be created using any text editor, but there is specific support for beamer syntax in AUCTEX and LyX.
Beamer supports syntax of other LaTeX presentation packages, including Prosper and Foils, by using compatibility packages.
Beamer provides the ability to make ‘handouts’, that is a version of the output suitable for printing, without the dynamic features, so that the printed version of a slide shows the final version that will appear during the presentation. For actually putting more than one frame on the paper, pgfpages package is to be used.
An “article” version is also available, rendered on standard sized paper (like A4 or letter), with frame titles used as paragraph titles, no special slide layout/colors, keeping the sectioning. This version is suitable for lecture notes or for having a single source file for an article and the slides for the talk about this article.
Beamer depends on PGF for some of its features.