Program: radixConvert.pl (v20110517)
Author: Yixf (xfyin@sibs.ac.cn)
Summary: Convert between binary(bin, 2), octonary(oct, 8), decimal(dec, 10) and hexadecimal(hex, 16).Usage: radixConvert.pl [OPTIONS] number(s)
-f, –from [2|8|10|16] Which you want to convert from.
-t, –to [2|8|10|16|a] Which you want to convert to. [defaule: a]
-b, –bits Please refer to Bit::Vector for more information. [default: 32]
-h, –help Print this help message.Notes:
1. -f must be specified.
2. When -t is omitted, “a” will be used for all.
2. Numbers must be seperated by space(s).